Nwsltr 17 – School Times Term 4 Survey

In June Term 2 the EWPS School Council conducted a parent survey on school start and finish times, and the early close on Tuesdays. The COVID crisis had shown that we needed to look closely at our previous practices and improve what we are doing to meet the community needs. The initial survey had 185 responses and lead to the school trialling 8.30am–2.30pm with no early close for Term 3 and 4.

The key points of the decision were:

  • The school instruction times will remain 1550 minutes a week No teaching times were changed.
  • Recess and lunch times were shortened, which has improved negative behaviour.
  • Students will be more engaged in learning without the issues that are bought up by long break times.
  • No early close

We would like your view as whether the school continues the current hours for 2021. The survey will be conducted by a link that will be accessible through Facebook and on the school website. It will only be open from Monday 16 November to Friday 20 November. The results will be considered as part of the discussions at the next EWPS School Council meeting and will be implemented for 2021.