The relationship between home and school plays a very important part in a child’s education. We cannot overestimate the critical role parents play in successful learning at our school: parents contribute much to their child’s development and are among the most important influences on the way in which the child approaches learning.
Teachers at East Waikiki PS are responsible for the more formal aspects of children’s learning, and successful teaching builds on the home experiences of the child. This is most effective where there is an active and positive partnership with parents.
Two-way communication is a critical factor in the partnership between parents and the school. Where a partnership exists, it is easier for parents to feel confident about the teaching and learning taking place in the classroom and to solve problems.
Two way communication with the teacher and families
You can contact the teacher using
- Department of Education email. This is usually In some circumstances their is a number in the address, but all teachers will share their email address with you at the beginning of the year.
- Connect – each parent is assigned a p-number, which allows access to the Department portal, and gives direct access to information from the teachers, and allows simple emailing to them.
- Face-to-face meetings can be set up directly with the teacher via email or phone calls, or you can call the school to set up a meeting.
What might you talk to East Waikiki PS about?
Issues particular to your child:
- Attitude
- Academic progress and achievement
- Participation
- Behaviour
- How he/she gets along with teachers and other students socially and emotionally
- Physical development and well-being
- Development of responsibility
- Non-attendance or truancy
- Punctuality
- Learning program issues
School or class issues:
- Quality of teaching
- Homework
- Learning environment
- General student behaviour
- Pastoral care for students
- School policies and procedures
- Conduct of staff
Access to support services:
- School and regional-level student services
- Visiting teachers for students with disabilities
- Visiting teachers for English as a Second Language (EA/L) Students
- Specialist facilities – language development centres, intensive language centres, socio-psycho educational research units, education support schools, centres and units
- Programs for students experiencing difficulties with learning
- Programs for gifted and talented students
- Instrumental music program
How your school communicates with you:
- Reports on student progress
- Regular information about the school through newsletters, information letters, school website and in 2020 Connect
- Parent-teacher interviews
- Notes
- Surveys
- Displays of children’s work
- School Assemblies
- Special Events and Celebrations
- Specialised learning programs
- Parent Information Booklets
- Parent Information Sessions
- Learning Journeys / Open Classrooms
You are welcome to talk to your child’s teacher whenever you need to at East Waikiki PS. However, you should please make an appointment to talk with the teacher, to avoid disrupting the learning program.
What can you do if you have a problem?
Seeking information as early as possible can solve many problems. If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s progress, the homework set or the assessment procedures, contact the class teacher. The best way to do this is to contact the school office to arrange a mutually convenient time for a telephone conversation or meeting.
Interpreters are available to assist parents in communicating with the school. Please contact the school office if you would like the assistance of an interpreter, or our Aboriginal Indigenous Education Workers. You can have a friend or advisor present during any discussion.
Parents have the opportunity for greater involvement in the school through the Parents and Citizens’ Association and the School Council. These provide the opportunity for parents to express opinions on policy issues in the school. You can also consult the brochure available at the school called “Dealing with Problems.”
When you have a problem
Try to identify the problem clearly before going to the school. If there is more than one problem, list them to ensure that the extent of the problem is clear to the school.
Decide whether the problem is a concern, an enquiry or a complaint. This will help in finding a solution.
Make an appointment to talk with the teacher. This can be arranged through the school office. If your concern is about the conduct of a staff member, you may prefer to discuss the matter with a school administrator.
Try to stay calm. Even if you don’t feel it, being calm will help to get your concerns across more clearly than if you are upset or angry. It may help to take someone with you.
Procedures for making complaints
At all stages, staff will work with you to work out an agreed plan of action and timeline. If you need assistance in resolving a concern or complaint School Staff will help you:
- Obtain information about school policies and procedures
- Make enquiries about student programs, performance and behaviour
- Clarify a problem and register a concern with the school
- Direct letters of enquiry or complaint