End of Year Book Award Assemblies

The 2021 East Waikiki Book Award Assemblies will be held on Tuesday 14th December.

Kindy 3a Graduation Assembly will begin at 8.45 outside Room 3, with Miss Bell.

Pre Primary, Year 1 and Year 2 Book Assembly will begin at 9.10am in the undercover area. Teachers of these year levels, and specialist teachers will present the book award for students from these year levels. We predict that this assembly will only last 1 hour, and conclude around 10.10am

Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5 Book Award Assembly will follow soon after, beginning at 10.20am in the Undercover Area. Following a similar format, teachers of these year levels and the specialists will present Endeavour and Academic Awards to students in these year levels.  We plan that this assembly will last 1 hour, so conclude just before morning lunch at 11.20am

Parents of the award recipients will be invited to attend the relevant assembly (or assemblies J). There are no limits on friends and families who can also attend.

The 2021 East Waikiki YEAR 6 BOOK AWARD AND GRADUATION ASSEMBLY will be held on Wednesday 15th December.

It will run from 9.00am – approximately 10.30am Parents, friends and families are invited to attend to celebrate our year 6 students.